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Volunteer project with JaxParks – Castaway Island Preserve

Friday, August 3 (9am-noon) @ Castaway Island Preserve (2885 San Pablo Rd S)


  • Butterfly garden maintenance and shoreline litter pickup
  • Volunteers requested to bring pruners, work gloves and water
  • Meet in the picnic area behind the education building

(You are welcome to bring a kayak or canoe and paddle the Intracoastal Waterway afterwards)

Volunteers must wear closed-toed shoes and it is highly recommended that they bring work gloves, sunscreen, bug spray, a hat, sunglasses and water.  Volunteers must follow all park rules and policies as well as promote and exhibit safe behavior at all times. Children under 16 must be supervised by their parent/guardian or scout leader during the project. Anyone under 18 years old must have signature of parent/guardian on liability waiver prior to starting work; please contact [email protected] to have the waiver emailed to you prior to the event.


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